Why is the 1095-C not visible to my employee?

Delivering electronic forms 1095-C in the system will share it with all active employees, and send any notifications built in for that sharing process.

Why does the ACA Year-End checklist show a number that was not delivered?

  1. The "Shared" email only gets sent to those employees that are still an active employee and provided e-consent
    1. If it says x forms were not shared, that is because those employees did not consent to receive their 1095-C form electronically, so you do need to provide a paper form
    2. If it says x forms were shared, that is because those employees did consent to receive their 1095-C forms electronically so you do not need to provide a paper form
    3. If an employee is terminated they will not be shared with them since they no longer have access to Fuse whether or not they elected to receive it electronically in the past. You’ll need to send those employees their forms directly.

How to know who signed off on e-consent?

  1. Under the step "REPOPULATE 1095-C FORMS (OPTIONAL)" or "FINALIZE 1095-C FORMS" you'll see the column 'Is Visible'. If it says Y that means they can see it electronically and if it's blank that means they need a paper form.