Using System Events to Monitor & Troubleshoot Middleware

Using System Events to Troubleshoot Middleware - including Editing the Existing Notification(s), Running Reports, & Restarting Middleware

  • Editing the existing Error Notification
    1. If you have set up notifications in the system to alert you if your Middleware application goes down.  
    2. That notification is titled “Middleware...” and can be found in the FUSE system via:
    3. Menu - Admin (gear) - Global Setup - Notifications
    1. If you click on the Edit icon (blue pencil), you can make edits to the recipients and the actual verbiage of the received email.  The current recipient is

  • Running Report for historical Middleware events
  1. To view a report of the System Events, you can navigate to:
    1. Menu - Admin (gear icon) - System - Events
    2. Filter the following columns:
        1. Source: = Middleware
        2. Description: like may be down
        3. Event Date:  for your desired range
        4. Click on the Refresh Data icon (next to ‘Rows on Page’ option) and you will see the information requested.
    • Restarting the Middleware Service
    1. On the machine that Middleware is installed:
      1. Click on the Search icon in the Start Bar (circled in Blue)
      2. Type in:  services (highlighted in Yellow)
      3. Click on ‘run as Administrator’ (circled in Red)
      1. In the new window:
        1. Scroll down the list to find ‘Punch MW (WebApps)’
        2. If Status = ‘Running’, no further action is necessary
        3. If Status = ‘blank’, right-click the service name and choose ‘Restart’