New Account Default Password Generator

Creating a new account default password using employee tags will allow you to get your new employee a password without compromising security.


When a new account, new user, or new employee is added to the system, the system will automatically create their new account default password. The settings behind how this password is created are located in the Profiles/Policies > Authentication area of the system.

Click here to read more about reviewing Authentication Profiles or how to review which Authentication Profile is attached to which security profile in your setup!

Creating a New Account Default Password

New Account Default Passwords have three different options and will assign the password in the following order:


  1. A custom password using employee tags
    1. If the following requirements are not met, the new account's password will be generated using option #2
      1. The checkbox must be marked.
      2. An employee tag must be part of the custom field. Click the Question Mark icon to select your employee tag.
      3. A password that meets all requirements must be entered into the text field. If your password does not meet all requirements, you will see an error message with any missing requirements when you press save.
  2. Randomly Generated
    1. If the following requirements are not met, the new account's password will be generated using option #3
      1. The account must have an email listed in their primary email field
      2. The 'Account Created' Notification must be enabled and include the {ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_PASSWORD} in the message of the notification
  3. Custom Password (view or edit your custom password using the view icon)