How to Update Affordability Settings in ACA Profiles

ACA Affordability thresholds are updated every year by the IRS and will need to be maintained in ACA Profiles. These instructions will go over how to update those settings.

  1. Navigate to Menu > Admin > Profiles/Policies > ACA (Affordable Care Act)
  2. Click the pencil icon next to the "Non-Variable Hours" profile
  3. Click the "Add Rule" button on the top right
  4. Click the flag icon next to "Affordable Plan Offered"
  5. Scroll down until you see the new rule highlighted on the left, and click the pencil icon to edit this new rule
  6. In the effective from/to fields, enter the start/end of the year. You will need a separate rule for each year.
  7. In all "Plan Monthly Cost" fields, enter the correct year's rate
    1. For the 2023 year, enter 9.12
    2. For the 2024 year, enter 8.39
    3. For the 2025 year, enter 9.02
  8. Click Save, then save the profile using the button on the top right
  9. Click the back arrow and repeat these steps for additional ACA Profiles