How to prepare for Open Enrollment with EverythingBenefits

Best practices to prepare your company for a successful and smooth Open Enrollment with Carrier Connection.

Important items to note when preparing for a successful Open Enrollment for your Carrier Connect EDI's.

  • Open Enrollment requests must be submitted to EverythingBenefits via Fuse at least six weeks before your Open Enrollment period begins.
  • Fuse and EverythingBenefits suggest that Open Enrollment requests are submitted even if you think there are no changes.  Oftentimes, there are structural changes that can affect your Electronic Data Interchanges (EDI's) and we strive to avoid any potential issues by proactively reaching out the to carrier.  This is triggered by you notifying us of your Open Enrollment plans by submitting your Open Enrollment Checklist to
    • Download your Open Enrollment checklist in the system under My Info > Help > Download Documentation and search for EverythingBenefits Open Enrollment Checklist.
  • Any Open Enrollment request submitted less than six weeks before the beginning of your Open Enrollment period will not be considered timely and will be subject to rush processing fees.
  • Please note that general changes can usually be completed within the 6-week window before Open Enrollment.  If your company is adding a new Carrier for an EDI, this may require that a one-time census file is submitted with the Open Enrollment information while Fuse and EverythingBenefits work with the Carrier to build and test the new EDI.  (This process generally takes 8-12 weeks from when plans are assigned to employees, but depending on the complexity, availability, and responsiveness of the carrier, it may take much longer.  Note: charges apply)
  • Open Enrollment Files are sent automatically seven days after your open enrollment period. This is based on your original period end date and is not automatically extended if you decide to extend that period. Remember that data transmits to EverythingBenefits overnight, so if your open enrollment submissions are not approved six days after the original open enrollment end date, those benefits will not be included in this file.
    • If you need to extend your open enrollment date and move out the open enrollment file transmission, please email as soon as you are aware of these changes. Late notice of these changes may not prevent erroneous open enrollment file transmissions.


Open Enrollment fees for Carrier Connect include:

  • Carrier Connectivity Standard Open Enrollment Cost: $150/EDI Feed
  • COBRA Administration Standard Open Enrollment Cost: $500/Year (covers 3 carriers)
  • Census Files (if applicable): $500/Census File
  • Mapping Modifications (if applicable): $500/EDI Feed
  • New Carrier EDI Feed (if applicable): $1,000/EDI Feed
  • Late / Rush (if applicable): All applicable fees will be doubled