How to Create a Manual Pay Statement

Manual pay statements record payments made to employees outside of regular payroll processing and can also be used to correct year-to-date wages.

  1. If you plan on processing this manual pay statement to reduce pay, you may need to void the originally paid statement first. For directions, please visit How to Void a Pay Statement.
  2. Go to the next open or supplemental payroll by navigating Menu > Team > Payroll > Process Payroll.
  3. Go to the “Add/Edit Pay Statements” step and click on "View pay statements."
  4. Click “New Pay Statement” on the top right of the screen.
  5. Select the employee name and choose Manual for the pay statement type.
  6. Select the desired earning or deduction code in the drop-down, then proceed to enter either hours or amount, whichever applies based on the earning/deduction code selected. Repeat steps for other earning codes to record.
    1. If you need to bring in any scheduled earnings/deductions for the employee, you can do so by clicking Utilities on the top right, then click ­ “Add Scheduled Earnings/Deductions," select the desired earnings and deduction codes and apply changes.
  7. Click “Save” once you’re done entering the information. 
  8. Click “Preview” at the top right to review the pay statement and confirm that all the information is correct. Download the PDF to print the pay statement and provide a copy to the employee. 
  9. If everything is correct, click the Utilities button and choose Close Pay Statement. Mark the checkbox to select the manual pay statement and click the close button.
  10. The information must be finalized in a payroll to update the year-to-date information.

Please email if you need any additional assistance.