If your organization conducts annual pay increases for all or most employees, this article guides you through importing these changes efficiently.
Base Compensation History Import
Step 1. Export Current Base Compensation Settings
Navigate to My Saved Reports and run the "Base Compensation History Import File Template." Export this file to CSV (.csv) or MS Excel 97-2007 and save it to your computer.
Step 2. Ready the File for Import
Open the file and update the information with the pay increase information. Your changes should include the following:
- Remove employees who will not be receiving any pay rate change.
- Update the Start Date column for each employee to the effective date of the pay rate change. If the effective date of the pay rate change is retroactive (meaning that you have already processed payroll for the pay period(s) that this pay rate was to be effective, please see the Retroactive Pay Rate Changes section below.
- Update the Amount column for each employee to the new pay rate. Be sure to enter the appropriate amount based on the Amount Period column.
- Enter a Base Compensation Change Reason Code for each employee, if applicable.
After you have made your updates, save the file with the pay rate change information.
Step 3. Import File under Base Compensation History
To upload the updated file, navigate to the main menu > Company Settings > Imports > Employee Setup > Base Compensation History. Here, you will choose the file and click the Import button to complete this process.
Retroactive Pay Rate Changes
The system can assist with retroactive pay calculations as long as the following items are configured on your database.
Retroactive Earning Code
A Retro Earning code must be active in your company database. To confirm this is configured, navigate to the main menu > Settings > Payroll Setup > Earnings Codes and search the "Type" column for "Retro Earning." If you do not have an active code, it will need to be added.
Employee Autopay Schedule Assignment
For employees who are receiving an autopay earning on their base compensation, an autopay schedule must also be assigned.
Time Prep: Retro Pay Records
During the payroll process, you will need to complete the "Process Retro Pay" step under the Retro Pay Records step within Time Prep.