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Authentication Profiles
Authentication profiles drive password settings and multi-factor authentication rules to gain access to the system.
Authentication profiles are how the system determines user access to the system. These authentications keep the system secure, with higher security placed on individuals with more access to the system.
How to View/Edit Authentication Profiles
- Go to Settings > Profiles/Policies > Authentication
- There are three Authentication Policies available:
- Low
- Medium
- High
- You can edit certain settings in each of these profiles using the edit icon.
Please Note: changes to authentication profiles will only show up to users who still need to set their two-factor authentication. This would apply to:
- New users, the first time they log in
- Current users, after their two-factor authentication has been cleared
What Authentication Profile is tied to each User?
- Security Profile Review
- Go to Admin > Profiles/Policies > Security
- Add a column to this screen named Authentication Level
- Inside each security profile, there is drop down on the right side of the screen to filter to which settings are under each security level. If you filter to HIGH, for example, it will show you all the available fields that drive a HIGH authentication level setting.
- Edit the authentication level by adding or removing security items
- Employee Information Review
- Go to Team > My Team > Employee Information
- Add a column to this screen named Employee: Authentication Level
- The Authentication Levels on this report are driven by the Security Profile the employee is attached to. You can increase one employee's authentication level using their profiles screen. Adjustments for more than one person should be made using security profiles.