ACA Year-End: Download & Print 1095-C Forms

ACA 1095-C forms can be downloaded and printed from the system to send paper versions to your employees

Furnishing printed 1095-C forms is no longer required due to the Paperwork Burden Reduction Act. Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) are still required to prepare and file Forms 1095-C with the IRS. However, printing all forms is no longer necessary. You can select the option to "Share forms electronically with active employees" in the ACA Year-End Processing checklist. To take advantage of this new process, however, employers must notify employees that they can request a copy of Form 1095-B or 1095-C, and it must be provided within 30 days of the request. Please note that any state requirements remain unchanged.

Printing 1095-C Forms

  1. Fuse does not print 1095-C forms for your employees. Please review What supplies are needed for printing year-end forms.
  2. From your ACA Year-End Checklist, click on "Download forms:"
  3. On the top right, click Print Settings
    1. Select Use Form Printing On Letter Paper (unless you use Pressure Seal Paper)
    2. Under Letter Paper Options, select all that apply
    3. Click Apply on the bottom right
  4. Use the checkbox on the top left to select all employees, or mark them individually by row. Click the "Download PDF" button on the top right. 
    1. If you get an error instead of a download, review your print settings.